“Nature is a tool we can use to repair our broken climate, but we are ignoring it.”
We made this short film with Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot in advance of the global climate strikes on Sept 20th 2019 and the UN summit in NYC to bring attention and action to this urgent issue.
We tried to make the film have the tiniest environmental impact possible. We took trains to Sweden to interview Greta, charged our hybrid car at George’s house, used green energy to power the edit and recycled archive footage rather than shooting new. Then we calculated our carbon footprint and donated enough to a rewinding NCS programme called Mossy Earth to neutralise it 10x over.
The film is available for download and sharing on any platform in any country for free under a creative commons license C (BY-NC-ND) 4.0

The film is available for download and sharing on any platform in any country for free under a creative commons license C (BY-NC-ND) 4.0

This Production was supported by:
Gower St
With guidance from:
Narrators: @gretathunberg & @georgemonbiot
Director @tommustill
Producer @trianglemonday
DoP & Editor @Fergusdingle
Sound @shaman_media
GFX @paraicmcgloughlin
nline @bramonthego
Picture Post @specialtreatsproductions
Mix @mcassomusic
Audio Post @barrettisgold
NCS Guidance @charlie_lat
Music @roneofficial @infinemusic
Copyright Gripping Films Ltd, CC (BY-NC-ND) 4.0 available.